Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentence
 A conditional sentence is a complex sentence expressing a result which is expected from a condition. The condition is stated in a clause which generally begins with the word (/, and the result is expressed in the main clause. The result expected can be real or unreal.
. There are three important types of conditional sentences:
·         Future conditional sentences
·         Present conditional sentences
·         Past conditional sentences
1) A future conditional sentence expresses that something mentioned in the if – clause will probably happen or is likely to happen in the present or in the future.
2) A present conditional sentence expresses that something mentioned in the if – clause is unreal or contrary to the fact of the present.
3) A past conditional sentence also states a contrary – to – the -fact condition. It expresses that something mentioned in the if- clause did not occur in the past.
Ø  In the future conditional sentence the main clause uses will, can, must, may, to be going to. have to, expect to, plus the first form of a verb. The verb in the conditional clause is in the present tense.
Ø  In the present conditional sentence the main clause uses would, could, might, was going to, expected to, plus the first form of a verb. The verb in the conditional clause is in the past tense.
Ø  In the past conditional sentence the main clause uses would have, could have, might have, plus the third form of a verb. The verb in the conditional clause is in the past perfect tense.

Future conditional sentences
  • If meet him again, I will tell him that. (zero conditional or first conditional can be used)
  • I will probably meet him soon.
  • If I were a bit taller, I would be more attractive.
    But I'm not taller.
o       I don’t know if anna is at home.
I don’t know if anna is at home or not.
I don’t  know if whether or not anna is at home.

Ø  I don’t know whether he will.
Ø  I don’t know if he will come.
Ø  We don’t know whether he speaks Spanish.
Ø  We don’t know whether or not he speaks Spanish or not.
Ø  We don’t know whether or not he speaks Spanish.

Present conditional sentences
·         If  rains tomorrow, we will not go swimming.
Should it rains tomorrow, we will not go swimming.
·         If she invited me to the party  I would came
Where she invited me to the party, I would came.
·         If you were busy, we couldn’t force you.
were you busy, we couldn’t force you.
·         If you change your mind, let me know.
Should you change your mind, let me know.
·         If my boss calls, please let me know right away
Should my boss call, please let me know right away

Past conditional sentences
·         It sound as though there were a herd of lions that came to here.
·         She spoke as if she would know all of matters.
·         As though his girl was hurts him.
·         She talked to him as if he were a child.

As if/as though + Past Perfect  Tense
·         She acted as though she had never met
·         When she came from the trip, she looked as if she hadn’t has energy.
·         He behaved as though he had been understood.
·         Anne cried as if she  had lost all of her wishes.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012


  • NPM       : 17211057
  • KELAS   : 1EA02 
Tugas Pengantar Ekonomi Pembangunan


Pemanasan global adalah suatu proses meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan daratan bumi. Suhu rata-rata global pada permukaan Bumi telah meningkat 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) selama seratus tahun terakhir. 

Dampak dari pemanasan global sangat berujung fatal terpengahruhnya hasil pertania, punahnya berbagai jenis hewan, dan terjadinya hutan gundul.
cintailah bumi kita untuk mengurangi terjadinya PEMANASAN GLOBAL .

Hutan dan kekayaan alam kita yang perlu diselamatkan

tetaplah membuat bumi ini hijau agar kita dapat merasakan betapa nikmatnya anugrah yang di berikan ALLAH SWT kepada kita .

cara menyalamatnkan bumi kita mulailah menanam pohon dihutan yang tandus, daur ulang alumunium, plastik, dan kertas, bagi industri mulailah menggunakan sumber energi yang dapat di perbaharuhi (tenaga angin surya dan dll) dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat kita lakukan utuk menyelamatkan bumi ini dari PEMANASAN GLOBAL .